It feels weird to upload these videos weeks after certain things happen, but that's just how it is sometimes, I guess. For example, I went swimming in the lake almost 3 weeks ago, and yet now is the first time I’m putting it onto Youtube.
The beauty of what I try to do on my channel is that in five or ten years time when someone is watching these videos back it won’t matter. The timeline in the videos will be the timeline of the story. The fact that it’s a little delayed won’t matter in the long run.
Frankly, it probably doesn’t matter to anyone that isn’t involved in my day-to-day life either. If you’re watching from the US, you likely have no idea when I did these things. And if it’s put online a bit later than it happened, that’s okay.
At the end of the day, I have to live my life in order to document it.
And here’s a bit of that life: